Translations ~ 翻译

I’d like to think in another life, I’d be a linguist; I just love language so much. I started translating as a way as to maintain my Chinese fluency, but it quickly became one of my greatest passions.

Translation taught me that to be a translator is to be many things: a navigator between the infinite ways to see the world and a writer reconstructing the thoughts and ideologies of the author.


artist statements


Bazaar V 时尚芭莎

Wonwoo’s slender eyes and slim body make him a traditional salt-faced boy.* He feels cold and intimidating when he isn’t smiling, but once a smile graces his face, you’ll find that he is warm-hearted and calm.

Charming onstage with the ability to rap, sing, and dance; Wonwoo, who plays well with others during variety shows, who SEVENTEEN considers “an inseparable part of life,” is [actually] a person who enjoys spending time alone in his private life. Wonwoo’s adoration towards freedom is reflected in his uninhibited, easy going side. He never wants to be encapsulated in just one word. 

As a public figure, Wonwoo unceasingly radiates a light that warms the hearts of people, continually looking after others. When the conversation turned to favorite lyrics, he sang, “Whenever and wherever we are, even if we can’t be together, as always, we make our smile flowers bloom. I’ll be the spring to your smile.” If he were to have a super power, he wouldn’t use the wish on himself. On the contrary, he said that he’d wish to relieve people of their troubles and worries: “If [I] were able to turn people’s anger into happiness, that would be enough.”

*Salt-faced boy is a term originating from Japan that is used to describe a man with mild facial features and a laid back demeanor. The term evolved from the term ‘[tonkatsu] sauce-face boy’ (man with intense features), ‘soy-sauce faced boy’ (man with less intense features), etc