Rising temperatures and increasing ecological disasters have made the world a challenging place to bring up a child. Today's parents are acutely aware of this fact. They yearn for the world they grew up in, wanting to pass those cherished experiences on to their own children.

Rather than being trapped in nostalgia, let's use it to inspire millennial parents to make a difference. This Earth Day, let's juxtapose beloved childhood memories with the current environmental crisis to show that without action, the world we know… will be Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.

“From Yesterday's Memories to Tomorrow's Action: The Magic School Bus’ Unsettling New Series Awakens Nostalgia for a Greener Future"

What’s better series to do this than The Magic School Bus? Each book of this three-part series follows The Frizz and her class as they explore different effects of climate change. 

The books combines classic elements of the series with disconcerting imagery and tone to reflect the realities of the climate crisis.

Every book will be printed with soy ink on seed paper.

The series can be purchased or found at your select local tiny and full sized libraries. All proceeds will be donated to Indigenous Climate Action.


Oftentimes, climate change doesn’t feel real if we aren’t feeling the effects directly.

So let’s bring the magic school bus to the streets and bring the books to life. Using 4D and AR technology, riders will be taken on a tour of the city by the Frizz herself and experience ‘first-hand’ how global warming will change their everyday lives.

Besides scheduled tours, the bus will also be handing out free survival kits equipped with water filters, masks, and ration packs.

The Magic School Bus Explores Tour


World On The Frizz

With over 48% of millennials listening to podcasts weekly, it’s no secret that they love to listen in.

Let’s meet millennials where they are by staging a glitch in their favorite podcasts! We’ll have Ms. Frizzle and her class interrupt the recording, reporting live from various settings featured in the Here Today, Gone Tomorrow books. In their surprise segment, they’ll show just how bad climate change can get and help listeners take steps towards change.

The interruptions will occur in podcasts popular among millennials such as: Stuff You Should Know, NPR, and Decoder Ring.

Methane Madness

The ongoing podcast is disrupted by heavy static.

Ms. Frizzle: Ms. Frizzle to ‘Stuff You Should Know.’ (STATIC) Ms. Frizzle to ‘Stuff You Should Know.’ Come in. It sure is hot where we are!

Arnold: Ms. Frizzle, are gas masks supposed to be this tight?

Phoebe: At my old school, we never had to learn how to wear one.

Dorothy Ann: That’s because global temperatures are hotter now than ever before. According to my research, we can lower greenhouse gasses by planting more trees. We can even request free street trees for our neighborhood!

Arnold: What happens to Earth if we… don’t lower the temperature?

Ms. Frizzle: As I always say: here today, gone tomorrow! So, if you don’t want to stock up on gas masks, be sure to try your best now. Frizzle and class, over and out!

Glacial Ghosts

The ongoing podcast is disrupted by heavy static.

Ms. Frizzle: Ms. Frizzle to ‘NPR.’ (STATIC) Ms. Frizzle to ‘NPR.’ Come in. Reporting from the Arctic! It seems like the ice shelf we’ve landed on is getting smaller by the minute! 

A large piece of the iceberg breaks off and SPLASHES into the ocean.

Phoebe: Oh no! Ms. Frizzle! (STATIC) The water’s rising!

Wanda: What are we going to do? What are (STATIC) going to do? What are we going to do?

Ms. Frizzle: Well, we can lower global temperatures by eating local and in-season produce! It’ll taste better and lower emissions from imports. A community garden is another great way to eat local.

Wanda: What happens to Earth if we don’t try to lower temperatures?

Ms. Frizzle: As I always say: here today, gone tomorrow! So, unless you want polar bears to be your next door neighbor, let’s do what we can to help our planet now. Frizzle and class, over and out!

Summer in New Atlantis

The ongoing podcast is disrupted by heavy static. Everyone’s voices are MUFFLED as if underwater.

Ms. Frizzle: Ms. Frizzle to ‘Decoder Ring.’ (STATIC) Ms. Frizzle to ‘Decoder Ring.’ Come in. Reporting from the Atlantic Ocean!

Ralphie: Is it just me or is the Statue of Liberty underwater?

Tim: Everything is underwater, Ralphie. (STATIC)

Phoebe: Oh, but guys, this isn’t right! (STATIC) What do we do?

Keesha: We need to make our voices heard to our elected officials! We can write letters and call their office to let them know that we care about our planet and want changes made!

Phoebe: What happens to our planet if they don’t make our voices heard?

Ms. Frizzle: As I always say: here today, gone tomorrow! So, let’s do our best now or we might want to sign up for swim lessons — we’re all going to need it! Frizzle and class, over and out!

Agency: The Inturnship (Speculative Project)
Client: The Magic School Bus

: Me + Aiden Long
AD: Kale Simmons