Rebecca Chen is a Copywriter

Crafting wordstrings @ Translation
Previously @ Mother New York



MSG Received

Agency: The Workshop
Client: Ajinomoto

Mentors: Teneka King
CW: Rebecca Chen

Getting at-home chefs to see MSG as their secret flavor weapon by dispelling racist myths and highlighting its abilities.

Food is used similarly to language: to convey thoughts and emotions. But sometimes, when taste falls flat, it fails to deliver the message you want to send. MSG is spelling, punctuation, word order, etc.— everything needed to prevent your words from being misconstrued.

Silent MSGs


Taking inspiration from silent films, this 30” depicts the unspoken words communicated through food and how Ajinomoto ensures its safe delivery.

MSG Received Cards


When plates are clear and bellies are full, a little momento in the form of a card is there to capture the 'MSGs' at-home chefs sent through their cooking.

Ajinomoto will partner with Hallmark to create a line of greeting cards based on MSGs people want to send through food.

Hello Fresh
Send A MSG Box


Ajinomoto & HelloFresh will create meal prep boxes that at-home chefs will be able to custom design depending on what 'MSG' they're trying to send.

Each box will include:
  • Ingredients + MSG packet
  • Recipes
  • MSG fact sheet
  • MSG Received Hallmark card
  • #MSGReceived Action card

Hello Fresh
Food For Thoughts Cookbook


Alternatively, at-home chefs can order a cookbook with recipes developed by Ajinomoto & HelloFresh.

Each section will be divided by the type of messages they want to send.
  • Congratulations
  • Thanks
  • Love

Facts about MSG will be sprinkled throughout to aid in mythbusting misconceptions about MSG.


How do messages manifest in real life? Perhaps it exists within a comforting bowl of soup after a rejection letter. Or maybe a plate of pasta. 

从天而降 as in my book suddenly appeared before you, must be fate!